Dear Friends,
In the 1980’s and 90’s, Charlotte was experiencing tremendous growth, as major corporations were relocating south, Charlotte obtained professional sport franchises and planning advances took shape in transportation including light-rail lines. UNCC was rapidly evolving into the University of Charlotte. The airport was becoming one of the busiest in the United States. Planning and Zoning policies were slow to catch up.
Architects and Developers were forced to adhere to strict planning regulations where buildings were relegated deep into the site with a sea of parking in front, behind landscaped setbacks and buffers. Single-use developments were encouraged. Parking requirements were dictated for the few days a year that required overflow parking. The remainder of the year, large parking lots were half empty with the oils from unused asphalt parking spaces flushed into creeks and streams.
Around the turn of the 21st Century, Charlotte created ‘Innovative Zones’ that allowed architects and developers to design mixed-use community centers and villages. These districts included MUDD (Mixed-Use Development District), TOD (Transit Oriented Development) and NS (Neighborhood Services) allowing for densification by promoting smaller setbacks, relaxed height restrictions and reduced parking requirements.
Post pandemic, consumer behaviors have changed. 80’s & 90’s retail centers are ripe for Out-Fill Development. What is Out-Fill Development and how is it different from Infill Development? Infill Development is the process of developing vacant or under-used parcelswithin existing urban areas that are largely already developed. Out-Fill Development is the process of reinventing and densifying suburban single-use centers into mixed-use Edge Cities and Villages.
A retail-oriented center can be densified to become a 24/7 community combining residential, office, entertainment, hotel, retail and lifestyle storage uses. Infrastructure is existing and there are no land costs . These Edge Cities often require rezoning, structured parking and taller buildings. Out-Fill Development requires more patience and creativity than greenfield developments, but it is the best development strategy to accommodate rapid residential growth.
ODA Architecture offers a complimentary analysis and site study for any existing single-use center that may be appropriate for OUT-FILL Development. Let’s discuss the possibilities.